Olfactory Branding: an everlasting love
with your Brand Olfactory Logo.
What is olfactory branding?
Olfactory branding is a branding strategy consisting in the creation of unique personalized fragrances aimed at enhancing the Brand’s image, engagement and mission.
Among the variety of marketing strategies and tools available for Companies and Enterprises, the concept of olfactory branding has been developed and brought to a higher level by Scent Company, with a complete offer of products and services aimed at creating multisensory engagement between the Brand and its clients.
Presentation of Mrs. Tatiana Bettoni of Scent Company Management and olfactory branding expert
Since 2000 Scent Company develops the olfactory branding and supply customized scent marketing services for high level Retail Stores, Luxury Hotels, SPAs, Wellness Centres, Departement Stores like Excelsior Milan and Fashion Brands such as Gucci and Christian Dior.
“Scents induce people to greater emotionally engaging experiences” according to Tatiana Bettoni of Scent Company Management and olfactory branding expert who works with some of the most exclusive Luxury Hotels in the World and is in charge of the design of the Brand olfactory logos and new lines of scented décor for customers.
Who are the talented noses in the olfactory branding and scent marketing fields?
“People with talented noses are the creative contributors to the creation of the fragrances and olfactory logos. Their olfactory abilities are so exceptional that in the world of scent marketing and perfume business they are respectfully referred to as ”noses”.
But in the olfactory branding and scent marketing fields, you must have more than a talent for knowing what fragrance is the right one. You must be able to make a studied proposal as to which scent can truly represent Brand personality, by interpreting materials and signs, Brand history, concepts and feelings” Mrs. Bettoni reports.
“I establish a deep relationship with my clients, says Mrs. Tatiana Bettoni – and I engage in sessions of analytical reading with those who need to create their own olfactory logo. The world of fragrances is fascinating and, as in the gourmet field, expert guidance is fundamental for finding the perfect blend that can transmit unique and deep sensations. For example, in the field of luxury hotels, I sleep at the hotel for which we have to design a tailored fragrance. This is to fully understand the atmosphere and the personality of the place”.
The design of the tailored olfactory logos at Scent Company
The olfactory logos are created by our experts inside our laboratory which is surrounded by hundreds of essences in bottles, crystals and ampoules and intense and evocative aromas.
The choice of the magical combination of natural essences is made by taking into account a variety of aspects, primarily Brand image and Brand history, but also the type of the area to be scented, as well as lighting and furniture. Above all, the choice involves the set of emotions and experiences linked to the Brand, in order to bond with customers by surrounding them with objects and sensations that transmit pleasure, wellness and harmony”.
“The task of creating a unique Brand fragrance – says Tatiana Bettoni – is similar to the task of creating images and sensations. As in the World of Fashion, scents involve attitudes, seasons, colours, trends, times, contexts and experiences. There is a time and a place for everything. It is an exciting challenge for me.
Each client is “unique” for Scent company and every time you start over in a new process of creating a fragrance and a scent marketing service that is tailor-made for the customer.
“You experience such an emotional involvement with the design of a fragrance, that at a certain point you just fall in love with it”.